Museum Take-Out
Nourishing experiences wherever you are and whenever you want with Shangri La’s
Museum Take-Out: a growing menu of experiences to meet you where you’re at !
Shangri La Art Club! Draw, sketch, or create artwork inspired by our collection! Share your artistic awesomeness on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and tag us so we can shower you with love!
In December of 2019 we partnered with the Honolulu Museum of Art's Doris Duke Theater to offer a free workshop on "Inverse Surveillance" with filmmaker and journalist Assia Boundaoui. Boundaoui's film, the "Feeling of Being Watched" charts journalist Assia Boundaoui’s investigation into a secret FBI counterterrorism probe of her Muslim-American neighborhood in Chicago—code-named “Operation Vulgar Betrayal”—and its enduring impact on her community. The film has recently won the Livingston Award from journalism and is now available streaming online here. There is also a community screening healing guide that you can find here.
Check out a powerful piece choreographed and directed by T. Ayo Alston, Executive Artistic Director of Ayodele Drum and Dance, former Shangri La artists in residence. In the video, they join a number of other Chicago-based Black dance companies to honor and celebrate Black lives through dance. You can also take virtual classes with them weekly. Find out more about their schedule here.
Find your groove with a Shangri La curated playlist featuring music from around the globe. Nourish yourself with music inspired by our residencies, our collections, and our staff!
American Muslim Futures is an online exhibition of work that pairs the creativity of visual and performing artists with the conviction of civil rights advocates to realize new civic futures where all Americans live free from hate and discrimination. This exhibition is a collaboration between Shangri La and Muslim Advocates. Check out the recording of the live online kick-off concert featuring The Reminders and Raef here!
- Check out our former Artist in Residence Hari Kondabolu of Netflix's Warn Your Relatives and The Problem with Apu as a recent panelist on NPR's "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!"
- Listen to Aja Black of The Reminders, our former Artists in Residence, dig in deep about sociology, racial justice, history, activism, music, and storytelling on Satsang Podcast.
Want more? Check out virtual hip-hop dance workshops and performances by former artist-in-residence Amirah Sackett via Facebook or the uplifting online creative writing workshops by Aja Black of former artists-in-residence The Reminders via Facebook.